Friday, February 27, 2009

Cell Phone Video

Here is my first attempt at editing a video on my cell phone. It needs work... but it's ok for my first try. This is how Piper lets me know : she wants in, she's hungry, someone's home, or the mail man is here. :-D

Video Editing on a N95

I just learned how to edit my video clips taken with my N95 phone. Examples to come !

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Poster Project

My new assignment for class is to create a poster for an event. It has to be 11x17 and we need to make 3 versions and it had to be made in photoshop. Those were the only rules we had to follow. I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep to my theme of "my photography co" or if I wanted to venture in to something new. Well I decided to lean away from anything I've handed to my professor already and make something new. So I'm creating posters for motorcycle rides.

Here is my first poster attempt.

Here is my 2nd Poster :

Here is my 3rd Poster:

B&W - 02-23-2009

I was at the shop getting some work done on my old Mustang, and I thought this would be a perfect time to grab a quick shot in B&W.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Photoshop fun - Comic book

I thought I would have some fun with some shots of my motorcycle. Here I've used a cartoonized effect. I absolutely love how they came out.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ear Muff Run

Just a quick picture from today's motorcycle ride. I had to ride over a sheet of snow, yes SNOW to get to this spot at the lake to take a picture... I can officially say I rode a street sport bike off road, on gravel and over snow !

Here is Greenwood Lake.

This is the edge of the lake, 2" thick ice.

Bear Mtn.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Photoshop fun

I found this amazing photoshop action. It's called "B & Big picture". I love it. I bet this would be a fun effect for a group of friends on the beach or at the park..... But for now, here's my FZ6 Motorcycle.

Here is a shot of my friend John, with a twist on perspective.

What's ON My Desk - 02/20/2009

My most favorite summer time drink....

Hand-held portraits n' stuff

Last night I was at a friends house playing cards when it dawned on me that I need to start taking more pictures of people. So I started snapping away. Half in color and half in B&W. Here are a few of the color ones. I'll try to post up the B&W ones soon. The lighting conditions were very low lit, we only had one lamp and one rather large TV in the back ground. I had my camera set to f1.4, auto shutter and I believe "incandescent" white balance, and the ISO was at 200 to avoid as much grain as possible. This, besides the fact that I like them, makes them very blurry, out of focus... if you will...

I love hand-held Portraits of myself. As long as the camera is up high.

I believe someone made me laugh.... either that or the last shot made me laugh at myself :-D

Ahhh Jen, my favorite model.

I played with the color on this one a bit, I believe the original had the wrong white balance set, so it had a blue tint to begin with.

B&W My favorite.

Gaffer on game night

Playing cards, Gaffer was not the best at UNO, but he did help me cheat a bit, by distracting the other players ;-)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good day at the Range

I had a great day at the Range this past weekend. I shot a Marlin 30-06 for the first time, and I finally sighted in my Ruger 10/22. This picture shows my first 30-06 (top arrow) as you can see, 4 actually hit the target. Yes yes there are only 3 holes but if you look close, you'll see that the bottom right hole is actually 2!

Then there is my favorite target.... which some how magically disappeared... but I finally sighted in and shot an almost PERFECT 10rounds at 50 yards with my Ruger 10/22. After this photo I moved to the 100yd target and got my sight pretty close to on target. Sadly I do not have a photo of that target but, I can tell you its wasn't half bad.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Range Day

My first time shooting a 30-06. WOW !!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today had to be one of the most frustrating... to say the least. First I woke up to a sick dog. Then my poor sick pooch was sprayed by a skunk right in the face. After a few washings and a bath for the both of us, she's still a bit stinky. And now I'm not feeling well. After breathing in skunk all day I have fallen a bit ill. It's almost like being hung over... not fun.

So today I wasn't very inspired, except for the amazing sky at 7am, to bad I didn't have time to grab a non shaking shot.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nature with a boost

Gaffer's Whats on My Desk

Today was Gaffer's first adventure out in to the real world. Nothing to exciting for his first trip, but I thought it would be fun to have him be the star of today's "Whats on My Desk".

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Logo Test

Gaffer's First Adventure

"Gaffer" Starting off on his first adventure out on the deck in the back yard. I think I might take his tag off.... it will get in the way to much.

Hangin on the deck with Piper....

Sniff, Sniff.... whats this crazy thing my owner is going to torture me with?

New Assignment = Human Body as a Landscape!

Wow, this one is going to be tough! I have some ideas floating around in my head.... Lets see what develops!.

Random Update

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted any new "real" blog posts. I guess I've been super busy these days. This past weekend I actually took out my motorcycle for the first time since last riding season. It was amazing to get back out on the roads again. But I could have done with out the salt spray from other drivers.

I've been working really hard in my Digital Art and Design class, and just by luck our projects are revolving around creating a logo, letterhead, envelopes, and business cards. Perfect timing for my new Company.

Which I am still working on. Slowly but surely I'll be open for business. I am at the point where I need to start my LLC and fill out my tax information for my print house. Scary times. This is the real deal.

I'm also on the hunt for the most adorable miniature stuffed giraffe. Along with my weekly photo assignments and my "what's on my desk" project, I have decided that I will have a little buddy with me every where I go, and I will log his adventures in photos. Soon you'll see the little guy every where I go! I have 2, yes I know... sad... but I have 2 Beanie Baby Giraffes but they are kind of on the large size to keep in my camera pack, so I'm on the hunt for a smaller version. Hopefully nothing bigger then 5" and on the super cute side.... If all fails I will just have to grab one of the ones from home.

Anyway I ramble on.
Back to work for me.... Happy shooting every body!

What's ON My Desk - 02/10/2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Whats on My Desk - 02-04-2009


Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting close to a new Logo Symbol :-D (again with the orange... I just don't get it... ugh)

Sunday, February 1, 2009